Metal Wall Panel Texture

As a game artist, you would try using different tools & techniques for creating game assets. While playing games, unconsciously, you would have appreciated each asset in a game. One of the most frequently used game asset is a metal wall. Without a metal wall, your Sci-fi game world isn't complete. 

I created one using Photoshop and ATI GPU Mesh Mapper. 

Metal wall panel texture is rendered using Hardware Render in Maya. 
Color, Normal, and Ambient Occlusion (AO) maps are baked into texture before its rendered.

Production Break Downs
I started to paint the details in Photoshop. I used Layers and LayerStyles to make a worn out, "punched at" texture. Why "punched at" texture? Authentic looking I suppose. Quick brush strokes and Emboss Layer Style were mostly used. You can see the progression of adding the details.

GPU Mesh Mapper from ATI does the job of rendering Ambient Occlusion texture. This tools bakes three (3) maps by using you system's GPU core power. The three maps are Ambient Occlusion map, displacement map, and Normal Map. For this asset, I have choose only AO map.

By combining the Ambient Occlusion map and the Color map in Photoshop, I was able to add more details to the final texture. Then, linked Normal map to the Shader in Maya before rendering.

Normal Map was created in Photo shop using Nvidia plug-in. 

Ambient Occlusion Map 

Final Texture

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